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an invitation to come back to your body

massage therapy is a powerful healing modality–a great way to care for your body and nervous system. i see my work as an invitation to my come back to your body, to feel more at home. thats why i call my practice home|body.


i practice an intuitive and integrative style of massage, where i blend traditional massage methods with myofascial and other techniques to address pain and physical or mental stress. while massage is a physical modality of healing work, the benefits can go far beyond the physical body. massage can ease chronic depression and anxiety, help manage sleep issues, and even re-introduce safe and consensual touch after trauma. massage can also be helpful in treating headaches, support recovery from injury, and facilitate scar-tissue release/re-mobilization.


my particular style of massage is geared towards supporting your nervous system and, in turn, opening up possibility in your body.  this might look like increased somatic awareness, relief from anxiety during or after our session, the ability to be more present in your body, processing and releasing stuck emotions, feeling more at ease in your body, or maybe just feeling more relaxed. i welcome these outcomes and many more.


my values

i believe that:

massage is liberation work

i think that massage is most effective as healing work when it is trauma-informed and recognizes that a person's experience in/of their body cannot be removed from the context of oppression and privilege. my work recognizes the external factors that effect our internal experience.

our bodies are wise

we tune out of our bodies for a reason, usually because the world we live in is hostile to our existence. it is smart of our bodies to find ways to survive and adapt to these hostile conditions, even if those adaptations sometimes cause pain or discomfort.

health and wellness are not binary

i reject the diet and wellness industry's framing of health as a moral obligation and i am not invested in a "healthy" vs. "unhealthy" dichotomy.


i see health as a resource that some have more access to than others, but also as a resource that we can access together.

massage is not a luxury

we all deserve care. taking care of yourself is taking care of your community. therapeutic touch can be the groundwork for increasing resilience, open up possibilities of embodiment, and foster more positive relationship(s) to yourself and others.

my approach

shame-free, trauma-informed, and body-neutral

my approach to massage comes from a shame-free, trauma-informed, and body-neutral perspective. i know many of us grew up surrounded by intense messages of body negativity, and that undoubtably had an effect on how we feel about our bodies and ourselves. i want you to know that when you're in my care you can be sure that i will never judge you or the way you move through the world. i believe in the wisdom of your body and i know that the patterns you use to cope, numb, distance, and soothe are rooted in that wisdom and your instincts to survive.


i have been trained in a variety of modalities and will likely use multiple modalities to put together a session tailored to your body's wants and needs. these might include (but are not limited to) swedish massage, myofascial release, thai yoga massage, breathwork, scarwork, and neuromuscular techniques.


i strongly believe that massage is a collaboration between the client and the practitioner, and that is how i approach every session. i am not here to "heal" you or tell you what to do. your voice, body, ideas, and needs are valued on my table. i want you to voice and enforce your boundaries and i will always honor them. consent is foundational to everything we do and it can be altered or revoked at any point.


additionally, my work strives to be pain free. i agree that discomfort and pain can serve a purpose in the body, but i also believe that we don’t necessarily have to go through pain to get out of it. while safe and effective massage can sometimes feel intense or very challenging, it does not have to hurt to be intentional, firm, and deep or to provide relief and results.


i'm always happy to chat about my approach and beliefs about massage, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to know more!

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